Gout: sudden pain in the joints
In this article, we will learn about what gout is, its causes and symptoms, in addition to diagnosing gout, knowing the treatment of gout, and how to prevent it.

What is gout?
Gout is a type of arthritis that occurs as a result of the accumulation of uric acid in the blood, leading to the formation of sharp-shaped crystals in the joints, especially the large toe joint. These crystals cause severe inflammation and sudden pain.
Causes of gout:
• High uric acid: This occurs as a result of the body producing large amounts of uric acid or the kidneys' inability to get rid of it adequately.
• Genetic factors: Genetic factors play an important role in gout.
• Diet: Eating foods rich in porin, such as red meat, seafood, and alcohol, increases the risk of gout.
• Obesity: Obesity increases the risk of gout.
• Certain medications: Some medications, such as diuretics, may increase the risk of gout.
• Other health conditions: such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart failure.
Symptoms of gout:
• Sudden and severe pain: The pain usually begins suddenly in the middle of the night, and reaches its peak within a few hours.
• Redness and swelling: The affected joint becomes red, hot and swollen.
• Sensitivity of the joint: The joint becomes very sensitive to touch.
Gout diagnosis:
Gout is diagnosed by:
• Physical examination: The doctor examines the affected joint.
• Blood analysis: to measure the level of uric acid in the blood.
• Analysis of the synomal fluid of the joint: A sample of the cythelic fluid of the affected joint is drawn and examined under a microscope to ensure the presence of uric acid crystals.
Treatment of gout:
The treatment of gout aims to:
• Pain relief and inflammation: using nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and corticosteroids.
• Lowering the level of uric acid: using drugs that help lower the level of uric acid in the blood.
• Preventing seights: through lifestyle changes and taking medications regularly.
Prevention of gout:
• Healthy diet: Reduce the intake of foods rich in borin, such as red meat, seafood, and alcohol.
• Maintaining a healthy weight: Losing excess weight helps lower the level of uric acid.
• Exercise regularly: Exercise helps lower the level of uric acid and improve overall health.
• Drink plenty of water: Drinking water helps expel uric acid from the body.
• Take medications regularly: If you take medications to lower the level of uric acid, it is important to take them regularly.
Note: This information is for general guidance only, and does not dispense with consulting a specialist to diagnose and treat any health condition.

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